As a basic service provided by Lisboa BnB, you place your listings and ads through sites or real estate magazines specialized in rentals, while we hand over the keys to your tenants and then handle their check-out.

More services from Lisboa BnB!

In addition to this basic service, we can also conduct, for each entry and departure, a quick inventory of your property via our specific tablet interface.
The property will thus be ready for your next tenants, making the next check-in faster and very professional.

The guarantee of a well-maintained property

We use specific contracts drawn by our Portuguese legal advisors. Compensation in case of property damage is adjustable as per your request.


Lisboa BnB offers a reputable cleaning and laundry service (sheets, towels, any other linens), available all year long.

Cleaning is not your responsibility !

Whether you manage your property rental from Lisbon or another location, our housekeeping service will save you valuable time at a very reasonable rate.
You will be able to offer a flawless and professionnal service to your customers, which will insure their satisfaction and their return.

You customers deserve a 5-star service

Clean and folded sheets, high-end plush towels, not a speck of dust… you can be certain that your customers will recommend your property !